Mountain Lake Community Association and Watershed Advisory Group (MLCA & WAG) volunteers conduct water testing at least once a month to evaluate environmental impacts and treatment plans on the health of the lake.
The results of these tests are recorded and available for instances such as:
- Acquisition of Funding or Grants
- Historical data to support intervention should it be necessary
- Evaluation of potential contamination sources
- and many more . . .
The tests conducted include:
- Water Temperature @ 3 ft. & 20 ft.
- Secchi disk readings to analyze the water clarity
- pH testing to analyze the acidity and alkalinity
- visual assessment for plant-life etc.
Click here to view the current report.
We celebrated Lakes Appreciation Month with the 2016 Secchi Dip-In!
Budget cuts at all levels of government have hampered the ability of resource agencies to effectively monitor the conditions of lakes and reservoirs. Through the efforts of volunteers, and volunteer monitoring programs, the Secchi Dip-In is able to economically contribute to an understanding of the status and trends of water quality in North America. These contributions have become even more important as we witness more and more changes in our environment due to climate change. Read more at
Here are MLCA & WAG’s Secchi Dip-In pictures along with some of our other testing performed every month. This months results are also up to date in the above Water Monitoring Report.